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Blog Posts (19)
- Oh no! Where did the milk go?
And so it seems as though my worst fear is coming true. After starting baby food at six months, I noticed (here it is five weeks later) that my breastmilk supply is starting to diminish. What used to be a 3 oz each breast pumping session, is now a 3 oz total(1.5 oz each breast) pumping session. When baby nurses he gets a full gulp and then starts this procedure of squeezing pinching and compressing the breast. I guess it's his way of trying to squeeze every ounce that he can get. Now I need to start making sure I am routinely pumping what I do have and pumping more frequently than every four hours between each pumping session. This will hopefully help me increase my milk supply and be able to keep up with babies demand. I also plan to invest in some galactagogue's. Brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is used in beer brewing. It is sometimes used as a food additive and is also available as a dietary supplement for B vitamin. I plan to try this to increase milk supply and maybe I will venture into making my own lactation cookies. If there are galactagoghes that have worked for you , drop them in the chat feature. When life gets hectic and baby starts gaining a little more freedom from mom, mom also gets freedom baby by returning to work, there will be a slight decrease in milk supply. This does not mean that all is lost with breast-feeding. In order to keep up with the demand, you have to continue to breast-feed whenever you are with the baby. It is also important to make sure you're emptying out the breast when you are away from the baby. This is the body's way of sending signals that the body needs to make more breastmilk. Your take away message is if you want to keep making milk...keep feeding the baby and emptying the breast! Keep following my blog and I'll let you know how we made out.
- Ready, Set, Go!
Back to work Week 17 (4 mo. 2 weeks) It's back to work I go. I wish I could share the exact feelings I felt having to return to work. Or maybe even relate to those mamas who cried themselves to sleep the night before worrying over the regret of leaving their baby. But um...yeah no. Remember this is my baby #5. I may have even skipped to work. Adam starts solids at 5 mo 3wks https://video.wixstatic.com/video/857451_0c3f0aa91f90401baea68f03cff0d685/1080p/mp4/file.mp4 So here we are at six and a half months and he has been eating solids for about three weeks now. He's tolerating it well and with no stomach issues, constipation or diarrhea. He's tried things like squash, baby rice/oat cereals, beets, sweet potato, peas, potato, carrots and apples every day he's getting better and better. What I would have to say is that Baby Led Weaning is not for the faint of heart. The first time I put a soft veggie on the plate, Adam had no clue what to do with it. He could barely pick it up! And when I offered pureed peas, I got a surprisingly new green wardrobe. Not that I don't WANT to be a trend setter, but we opted for combination baby led weaning practices/purees/soft foods/teethers. Check out this chart by huckleberrycare.com/blog/baby-led-weaning-vs-purees. Need recipes for first foods or how to make those slippery foods easier to hold? Fly by Nutrition Matters for quick tips. Thanks for stopping by and following Adams journey! You gotta love the mushy face mess. Enjoy Make sure you understand the Signs of Readiness How will I know when my baby is ready for solid food? Isn’t it amazing how babies can “talk” to moms before having words? Here are some signs that your baby is ready for more than just breastmilk or formula: • Good head control. • Opens mouth when seeing a spoon. • Accepts food from spoon and moves it into his mouth. • Uses jaw to munch up and down. • Uses whole hand to grasp objects. https://85745125-d090-4660-9568-d2e645b3a3f9.usrfiles.com/ugd/857451_a331bf9cf994447a9538762ff5f11d63.pdf
- Pass the Pacifier Please
Week 6 New pacifier NinniCo. This pacifier is said to have the feel of skin and even goes as far as stating it offers relief for the mom. This exhausted breastfeeding mama right here wanted in. The pictures are so cute (that's why I included them) but in all actuality, he used this thing all of two weeks. It served its purpose while we were working through the breast feeding kinks of lipstick nipple (u know how the tip of lipstick looks?). I had a little pain in the nipple that turned into sharp pains like pins in the breast. I thought it was thrush but saw no whiteness in the baby's mouth or shiny skin around the nipple. I applied some coconut oil, did an epsom salt bath and good ol fashion air drying and in one days time, there was no more pain. Works every time! Week 6-8 Go-Slow-Whoa The spit up cloth kept growing in size to catch all the liquids. Feed...wait for it..."Awe Adam!" It got to the point where my older son refused to hold him right after a nursing session. Why do baby's spit up? There are many reasons, but to name a few: inadequate burping, allergies, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease aka acid reflux), and over feeding. His reason was eating too fast and not burping well. Who says a breastfed baby does not need to burp? Besides, you can't control the milk flow for a breastfed baby right?...FALSE . Try laying on your back while feeding baby. A few things that helped us avoid the spit up saga were pace bottle feedings when breast milk was offered in the bottle. Baths, baby massages and feeding upright also helped. Go figure! What really helped was a trick I found while surfing the net. A nurse demonstrated how to burp a baby with GERD. She simply put the baby up high on her right shoulder (baby's head turned away from her face) and bent the baby's knees into her chest. Viola!
Other Pages (4)
- Podcast | Kitchen Lifestyles
Play PODCAST Hello Everyone and welcome to Kitchen Lifestyles Pod cast. My name is Angela Brown and I am a Nutrition Educator of 15 years and a mom of 4. I really want to get down to the bottom of why people feel like eating healthy is expensive. Yes of course, you can buy cheaper food in a larger quantity that may last a little longer compared to fresh produce, but what are you sacrificing? I’ll tell you what, your sacrificing the long-term quality of yours and your family’s health. In this Pod cast series, I hope to unveil the beauty of making memories with your family in the kitchen! We will discuss how Menu Planning and Food Prep can eliminate the excuse of not enough time and touch on Food Safety and Cooking Time, to make sure our foods are free of unwanted bacteria. Let’s fall in love with the idea of cooking and bringing nutritious meals to the table as a family. It can be fun to see your children happily eat a healthy food you never thought they would try. Did you know children are more likely to try a new food and eat more of it just because they had a hand in preparing it? A survey by Porch.com entitled “Cooking Nightmares”, supports the notion that newer generations are losing the knack for “finding their way around the kitchen”. This survey polls 750 people of all ages on their confidence and ability to prepare all kinds of food, from a roasted chicken, to a baked potato. Results concluded that although many of the younger generations are interested in watching cooking shows, they are clueless when it comes to preparing a meal for themselves. The profits in the fast food industry have skyrocketed because of people cooking less at home and we are faced with more obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Believe it or not, These Diseases Can Be Prevented and even reversed with diet and exercise. Teaching your family how to cook and eat healthy will reduce the stress in the household. Learning how to Buy in Bulk and Properly Store staple food items will stretch the food dollar. I will also help you Navigate the Grocery Store to make sure you don’t fall prey to marketing gimmicks. Follow Kitchen Lifestyles on Twitter and Facebook as we journey past old habits to creating new healthier habits for life. The cost is priceless! Again, I’m your host Angela Brown with Kitchen Lifestyles and I hope you join me on the next Podcast entitled Simple Steps. Thank you again for listening. Chow for now.
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