Week 6 New pacifier NinniCo.
This pacifier is said to have the feel of skin and even goes as far as stating it offers relief for the mom. This exhausted breastfeeding mama right here wanted in. The pictures are so cute (that's why I included them) but in all actuality, he used this thing all of two weeks. It served its purpose while we were working through the breast feeding kinks of lipstick nipple (u know how the tip of lipstick looks?). I had a little pain in the nipple that turned into sharp pains like pins in the breast. I thought it was thrush but saw no whiteness in the baby's mouth or shiny skin around the nipple. I applied some coconut oil, did an epsom salt bath and good ol fashion air drying and in one days time, there was no more pain. Works every time!
Week 6-8 Go-Slow-Whoa
The spit up cloth kept growing in size to catch all the liquids. Feed...wait for it..."Awe Adam!" It got to the point where my older son refused to hold him right after a nursing session. Why do baby's spit up? There are many reasons, but to name a few: inadequate burping, allergies, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease aka acid reflux), and over feeding. His reason was eating too fast and not burping well. Who says a breastfed baby does not need to burp? Besides, you can't control the milk flow for a breastfed baby right?...FALSE . Try laying on your back while feeding baby.
A few things that helped us avoid the spit up saga were pace bottle feedings when breast milk was offered in the bottle. Baths, baby massages and feeding upright also helped. Go figure! What really helped was a trick I found while surfing the net. A nurse demonstrated how to burp a baby with GERD. She simply put the baby up high on her right shoulder (baby's head turned away from her face) and bent the baby's knees into her chest. Viola!