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Welcome Baby

It's been a while since the last blog, but guess what, we decided to have another baby! Please welcome baby Adam Isaas born 3/18/22 at 6lbs 4oz. I would love to get into my pregnancy and birthing story, but its complicated. Short story, there were some growth restrictions but otherwise completely healthy and natural delivery 1 week before due date.

You know I am a nutritionist so my diet reflected such and I kept up with my iron and prenatal vitamins (can't express how important this is). Baby Adam came out of the womb latching within that first hour and seemed to be a pro. What I didn't consider was how small he was (6lbs 4oz) and what seemingly was him nursing well and swallowing (also very important) wasn't as efficient as we had hoped. By the time we left the hospital, he was weighing 5lbs 7oz.

Of course the doctors worried and suggested supplementation. We started pumping and offering it in a bottle, and saw a weight increase ( to 5lbs 15oz) in 3 days. Way to Go Adam! But...wait for it...the bottle was his new best friend and the breast was a distant memory. Nipple Confusion is real and babies are really smart. Some prefer the easier rout. Needless to say, we got him back on track offering the breast before the bottle at every feeding.

I would like to invite you on our journey of first foods and the importance of investing in it early on. Welcome Aboard!

No Blame or Shame

Some moms breastfeed with no issues at all. That's not me. Breastfeeding overall, for me, is mustering up the strength to keep going (self determination) and having support from those around you who really get your goal. But what happens when mom chooses to stop breastfeeding or breastfeeds partially? I say to each her/his own and what's done should be what's best for Baby and Mom. I would like to share some of the obstacles I have already encountered and it's only week 3!

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