D25: I was super happy my milk supply was being established through the cluster feedings and occasional pumping session. Thanks to the haakaa I even had some breast milk stored in the freezer (for my me time moments;) Baby Adam woke up one night vigorously nursing the left side and I was in so much pain. When he was done, it was like he hadn't removed all the milk. I nursed on the other side and he was more calm afterwards. Come to find out, my milk was sort of clogged up by a forming blister on the nipple. Geesh, can I get a break? The sharp shooting pain in that breast thereafter felt like pins and needles. I hand expressed and offered the milk in a bottle. I believe just pumped the next feeding session...smh!

Note: Many women are concerned with Mastitis or hear this term.
Mastitis is milk that is trapped in the clogged milk ducts in the breast and a bacteria infection is caused by cracks or an opening on the nipple skin. This happens when the breast is not completely emptied at feedings (usually during the first 3 months).
WEEK 4: Left Side
So here we are at week four. Everything is going well...Well, there is one thing he does while nursing. I am still not exactly sure how to explain it, but I'll try. All babies prefer a side whether it is because of flow or position. Adam is no exception and prefers the right side. When he is "on" the left side, he tenses up, clenches his fist, and nurses as fast as he can. I notice he tends to push back with his fist while still attached to the nipple...ouch! Then I feel this weird pinching sensation. I am learning when he is about to do this so that I can take him off and re-latch (usually with a burp in between).
I am hoping he learns to handle the flow on this side because this is the breast that produces the most milk. I counter this feeding habit by hand expressing the remaining milk on the left side. I go as far as I can go before I wave the white flag. But hey, waste not want not.
