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grow Grow GROW

Hello all of you beautiful people! I know I have not posted lately, but I promise you I am working on some great new material for my blog family. Spring is here and so is the excitement for gardening. I have started seeds and planted out of pots for the past few years and this year my husband said she will make me some raised beds so I got to work starting seeds the old fashioned way in egg cartons.

My mom brought us some Aero Gardens last year and so I have decided to start the seeds this way too, transporting them outdoors in the warmer weather. I would love for you and your family to go with my family and I on this growing journey.

Here are some pictures from my Aero Garden so far. What I like about the Aero Garden is that the plants grow roots from seed under water...and super fast too (they sprouted in one week !)

Planted seeds of : Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Eggplant, Celery, Carrots, and Salad greens

As you can see from the first 2 weeks the plants took off and the cucumber wasn't good at sharing the water bed. So I decided to plant the cucumber in soil so that it would not strangle the roots of the other plants. I simply removed the pod (the white casing) and carefully cut it horizontally, making sure to remove the bottom so that it slid right out. I wish I would have remembered to take a picture of the roots....they were super long and healthy.

For the first week it is important to keep the soil moist because, remember the roots are transitioning from a *water environment.

My husband is insistent on planting a HUGE garden, but we have a family of ground hogs so we settled on raised beds. Now we can finally move from porch pots to an above ground garden. We are starting slow as to own our garden and not make the rookie mistake of our garden owning us.

You keep READING and I'll keep POSTING! See you in a week.

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