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  • abrown89

Garden ups/downs

As promised, you are in the "loop" of whats been happening with my home garden this year. This year I decided to start some plants in my fancy new aero gardens and transfer them into the dirt. I was shocked at how fast they took off! My cucumber plant was the biggest and if you read the last post, you will have a better look at the process. I transported my cucumber plant into a pot with soil and......wait for it.....

You, see it died! It was so sad. I tried putting it in water (all the way to the right) and putting it back under the light, but for a few days it was really upset at me. My youngest would visit it daily and give it some love (instead of surprisingly yanking it out of the pot; roots and all) and it started to perk up after a couple of days.

Things are truly looking up! So much so that it started growing flowers. Now, we all know what a beautiful relationship bees and flowers have so I decided to share. I crossed my fingers, and when the night time temperature was consistently above 40 degrees, I put i outside.

It's been doing well. Next step to the ground! Stay tuned.....While you wait check out some of the other plants like the peppers in <--- this photo and beyond.

I am so proud of how they are growing. Much patience and care and we'll get there! Thank you for stopping by. Chow for now

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